Free Novel Read

War of the Holies



  Published by A.T.Saguinsin

  Copyright 2014 A. T. SAGUINSIN

  Table of Contents
















  Part 2 The Rise & Fall of the Dark Ruler






















  Part 3 The Last Battle & The Vision of John the Beloved










  This fictional story happened during the Middle Age in Europe when power struggle among kingdoms was at its height. However, the story evolves with the kingdom of France’s sovereignty linking Rome’s Papal governance as catalyst in the struggle to fight evil for good .

  All names of characters that appear in the story are fictitious and any similarity in names in real life is coincidental and unintentional in the existing story.


  In the beginning, everything was void and darkness was all around. The Spirit of GOD was hovering the vast endless darkness. God was in the habitable part of His earth during that time of creation.

  Together with His Son they began the creation. Multitude of Angels were created for the glory of the Creators as they encamped the heavens.

  The Angels were joyful and they sang praises when the universe and everything in it came to existence. The earth and everything in it came to being with man as the master piece of the Creators . The day of creation was the joy of God and the Son and all the angels in the great kingdom of heavens

  Since angels were spirit beings they were given free will to choose between good and bad. Likewise, human beings were given the free will to choose the same . The heavens were laddered into three: the third, second and first heavens.

  The third heaven where the paradise was located was the seat of the Creators and all singing angels sang praises to the Almighty day and night without ceasing.

  There was no day and night for God was the Light that illuminated the heavens. The Angels, the celestial beings that were created with all perfection were assigned to go down to earth to guide human beings.

  Angels were classified as Seraphims and Querumbims. Seraphims were the counselors and higher in rank than Querubims that were ordinary angelic beings. They formed hierarchy into legions and into multitude that surrounded the earthlings.

  The Angels were uniquely created and were strong and so powerful. They were given the power to know everything on earth and with consent of God they manifest into flesh, however, they were spirit being that were associated in the air. They went up and down as they heralded to God what transpired on earth

  One of the most beautiful creations of God were angels. Lucifer, who was called Satan was an angelic creation of God. Lucifer was uniquely and perfectly created that he was so powerful among the legions of Seraphims he commanded. He was called the son of the Morning Star. He became ambitious that he wanted to be like God. He conceived in his heart the aspiration that was not hidden from God.

  In his loftiness and vanity he thought in his heart, “I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God:

  I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north: I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the Most High” (as quoted in Isaiah 14:12-14) And when God saw iniquity in his heart he was driven out of the heaven, thus, he and his rebellious cohorts fell to the ground. Their iniquity and rebellious advocacy began on earth that caused the first humans to fall.

  They aimed at destroying the creations of God on earth. Adam and Eve were the first humans that were deceived and fell to their deception. They allowed temptations to besiege them and they saw themselves out of the garden of Eden

  They lived in the wilderness and through the sweat of their brow they learned to survive. And as they procreated and multiplied into multitude of sons and daughters, they scattered the wilderness and they trod the face of the earth to the reach of their eyes as they lived in struggle and carried with themselves the nature of sins.

  And therefore, good and evil were in the minds and hearts of the inhabitants of the earth but not all of them were conquered by the filthiness of sins but there were many who had known from their hearts the nature of good. Lucifer was now stripped off his heavenly power over other angelic beings in heaven since he had been thrown down to the ground with his cohorts. His name was no longer Lucifer (Son of the Morning Star) but now Satan although in spirit, and his cohorts began their busy task of dragging humans into their advocacy and led to destruction.

  While there were plenty of falling angels, they would coerce other angels or influence other angels posted in their respective position to join them. They used their power to manifest in the flesh and took daughters of humans as their wives. They began to mutate with human beings and as a result of mutations were abnormal human beings called giants

  Wickedry began to spread to all nations of the earth as a result of the work of the fallen angels. There were wars in the spirit between good and evil as there were wars in the flesh in the real world. Humans were killed, murdered, betrayed, and cursed . There were destructions and various disasters on earth , however, not all of them were caused by the adversary but by God who had caused mankind to get sick and died to signify His will.

  Those fallen angels that were defeated were dragged into the pit of dark prison beneath the earth that was reserved for them until the day of judgment.

  The strong dominated the weak, and the

  young succeeded the old. That’s how life was on earth. Man had to struggle in order to survive. Likewise, the spirits of evil men who died were dragged down into the dark prison cell beneath the earth to join others. However, the spirits of good men that died returned to the Creator who gave it to them. But yet the works of the good had never failed . There were many who still knew God and His good will.

  The new beginning of man was started by a man of God. The good man and blameless, Noah was told by God told to build an Ark because He would destroy the earth. Immediately Noah obeyed and when he finished he gathered his family and all species of animals into the Ark.

  While men were drinking, eating, marrying, building, trading, the wrath of God came. The Great Flood destroyed them and waters covered the face of the earth for forty(40) days . The spirits of rebellious angels that died in the deluge were thrown into the pit of dark prison cell beneath the earth. They would be released when judgment had come to be condemned into the lake of fire which was an eternal punishment for them. Then, again the earth was replenished with humans and other forms of Living things. Since spirit beings were not covered by time, Satan and his cohorts resumed their mission of destroying humanity by any means.

  This time they would stop and destroy one vital link between mankind and God, and that was religion. Since man had lost communication with God in the past another means of communicating with Him today was by the written Word in the bible. It was where the secrets of
man’s beginning and end were disclosed to chosen people. However, the devil also knew the word as they would even mingle with ordinary humans in their toil to learn many things about the written word. Unfortunately, as read and search also the word they would learn and fear their end in the day of judgment was the lake of fire.

  That was their definite destination and the end of their journey on earth. Satan and his advocates had no other choice but to multiply and win more allies that would praise Satan and be with them until the end.

  Man’s struggle against the devil started from the Garden of Eden when a Serpent who was Satan misled and tempted Eve to enter into sin then followed by Adam. It caused to be ousted from Eden and lived a hard life in the wilderness.

  Satan and his cohorts had led many into destruction and caused the thoughts of man to do evil against man. As races filled up the face of the earth many kingdoms and tribes were established as they fought others to dominate the land.

  Man built edifices, monuments, churches of stones to serve their gods. Many served false gods and many who had known the true God and Creator of heaven and earth served them in spirit and truth. From Abraham to the twelve tribes of Israel that first served the true God, they all scattered the ends of the earth. Many failed and many continued until the time when God sent His Son, Jesus Christ on earth to teach his gospel to the lost and for the salvation of mankind. He died on the cross because of the evils of men.

  His life on earth was very remarkable that changed history and mankind. When he died on the cross his spirit went down to the pit below the earth where the dark prison cell for fallen angels of old was located and preached to them. After three days, the Christ resurrected from the dead.

  In his resurrection from the dead, he ascended to heaven where he was seated on the right hand of the Father and preparing a place to those who would be saved in the last day as the reality of hell was upcoming on the day of judgment for the unsaved ones.

  Likewise, Legions of Angelic beings from heaven were led by a heavenly counselor. They were now on a mission to guard and protect the interest of good against the works of Satan .

  Legion of Angels were set to defy the works of Satan and his cohorts who now sowed havoc on earth. Even the angels tasked and assigned to guard and protect humans were captivated by Satan’s cohorts. Satan’s emissary and advocate, Bajal played a role in the Middle Ages Europe . He was sent in the flesh to execute his mission during the time of war lords and monarchs in Europe.



  Medieval Age

  800 – 1190AD

  In history, the Holy Roman Empire was said to be union of states in Europe that linked the Papacy with great influence with the government of kings that sanctified their sovereignty over the people. However, the Papacy was ruled by many successive Popes that influenced nations and governments.

  Some of these Popes were bad and some were good. A number of bad Popes mostly abused their office and more often than not their reputations were tarnished because of personal issues.

  The papacy in return was protected by kings against its enemy since the pope was considered as most venerated servant of God to be honored by clergies and kings. Without the benediction and prayer of the Pope the heirs to the throne of the kingship would not be recognized and honored. And without religion, there would be no divine leading and certainty in the fate of the government and state.

  Thus, religion was seen by the emissary of Satan, Bajal to be the strength and key of mankind to salvation that they must destroy.

  The so-called Angels of light or White Angels went down to earth to guide their followers while the Dark Angels went with their followers also in their earthly activity. Both angels were invisible and could obscurely communicate only with humans by means of discernment and free will.

  Since free will was the basis of choosing bad and good, man found a hard time justifying their choice. In the end, man would suffer or enjoy the result of their choice.

  Bajal being a devil’s advocate lived like an ordinary human being who were under devil’s advocacy that would always perish with them. Likewise, the Papacy was always in danger of enemy attack. The rival kings from tribal enemies of the Vikings and Norse had always lurked, hanging around whenever the Pope would go for his commitments, As protectorate for the papacy, however, the Carolingian king’s defenders in convoy were all eyes and ready to die for the Pope. There had always been desultory attack by the heirs to the throne of the Merovingian empire because of the undivided doctrines of distributing their inheritances among heirs and the practice of inducting their sons to the throne of the empire.

  The Papacy in the Old St. Peters Basilica being the office that officiated the coronation and benediction of the heirs to the throne signaled and heralded to the people the approval of kingship that was honored and recognized by the people. So, the papacy was most respected and considered sacred and extension of sovereign empire.

  Without the Papacy there was no coronation of the king as the king was sanctified and blessed by the Pope. As a gesture of respect and gratitude, the king would then be obliged to support and protect the Pope to preserve his office from any enemies. The Pope was exposed to attack by enemies for they wanted him blind and his tongue cut to make him incapable of holding office.

  In an occupied France, Strasbourg , was the seat of government and the kingdom was then ruled by King Louis I. Zadkiel, a strong warrior and an advocate of justice and good appeared to be an army commander and Chief of Staff of the king. He had fought and won many battles for the kings and he was always sent as emissary to the kingdom of Rome to support the Pope against enemy attack.His gallantry and loyalty were always be mentioned by the king during occasions such as gala party in the palace and coronation of Princes and Princesses.

  When allied kingdoms would request for military assistance, Zadkiel and his legions would be sent as Royal Guard to escort the king and queen in their field trek to the palace. He would even led the troops to escort the Pope in his holy address for inauguration and coronation of a king and queen in St. Peters Basilica in Rome. He even witnessed the coronation in Rome of Charlemagne, when installed as the ruler of France.

  Meantime, there was a power struggle within the Carolingian kingdom in Germany, a allied kingdom of Italy and France. King Frederick, was old and dying. He had to appoint and inaugurate the coronation of his legitimate son-successor Prince Otto I to the throne but was being obstructed by his rival Prince but an illegitimate son, Prince Kruger , who had powerful military legions to overthrow the Prince if he ever be crowned king. King Frederick sent a message to the Pope that to proclaim and bless his son as king immediately before he died and before his illegitimate son took over by force.

  Likewise, he asked for military assistance from king Louis I to guarantee the safety of Pope on his way to the kingdom of Germany.

  “ Zadkiel, I am sending you to escort Pope Clemenceau to Germany for the coronation and benediction of Prince Otto I.” the emperor commanded.

  “ At your service your majesty.” He replied.

  Zadkiel’s fine army was prepared and in full-battle gear the following day to escort the Pope. Since kingdoms were mostly located on the borders of the states it took them days to travel and reach another kingdom.

  So they had to stop and pursue their journey. To make their journey faster, they would take the best ships they had to reach the place safer. Sometimes, the enemies also equipped themselves with sophisticated vessels for ambuscade and piracy. So, most of the time sea battles would occur hence, the superiority in the seas of the empire would prevail over the less advanced vessels and weaponry of the enemies.

  When they would reach the dry land cavaliers would escort the Pope in the coach for a two to three kilometers trek along the danger of the wilderness and more often than not snipers along their way would deter them from their journey.

  Kadziel’s army was so skillful in fighting the snipers that were mostly trained in jungle war fare.

  The German king would send a battalion of Royal Guards led by an experienced and expert militarist to meet the Pope on their way to the palace. Sometimes the enemy would play dirty trick of misleading them to the trap of death.

  Zakre, the leader of the Vikings would entrap them in the woods by the point of their arrows and pliable bows.

  He would connive with an emissary-traitor from the legions of the king’s army. However, the wisdom of Kadziel would save them by the power of their swords.

  “ We would lead the convoy of the Pope to a different direction.” the commander announced to his troops.

  “ The place has been cleared and now safe to pass by.” The traitor confirmed.

  “ How sure are you?” asked the commander

  “ Just check it out and return to me quickly”

  He made sure that he was telling the truth. Together with two other emissaries they went to check the road in the woods .

  From the wilderness of the woods was Zakre, the leader of the Vikings and his legions who were lurking for the arrival of the Pope’s entourage that would meet the king’s emissaries along the way.

  “ They are coming “ Zakre announced.

  “ Turko is there but where are they?” asked his assistant.

  “ Not yet ready. Yes. They’re making sure of the area.”

  “ Let them go. It’s not yet time. They will be back soon to meet in the middle.” He added.

  They returned to the palace and reported to the king.

  “ He’s right your majesty. The place is safe and clear. No sign of enemy movement. We can assure the life of the Pope.”