War of the Holies Page 3
“ The night is cold and pleasant” Moraiza said.
“ Yes. Aren’t you sleeping?” Kadziel asked.
“ No. I don’t feel sleepy, perhaps, later.”
“ There’s something different with Brother Rudolf. He’s like a familiar person to me” Kadziel told.
“ A natural stranger to me” she replied.
“ Why?”
“ Nothing.”
“ Your father would find it safer here to be healed. He was so worried about your health since you were able to leave France immediately and avoided being contacted with the dreadful disease.” Kadziel insinuated.
“ I am fine and in good health” she replied.
“ I enjoy the ambiance and I think I would love to stay here for the meantime” Moraiza insinuated.
“ When my mother was alive she used to allow me to go wherever I loved. My father would not be happy with her decision. She was a liberated and courageous mother. It so happens that my father is so protective.”
“ It his obligation to protect your well-being. Not that he’s so strict and protective.” He added.
Kadziel had to see the king at times to check his condition and to know if the king would like to send order to carry on.
“ In the midst of distress in France, our enemies are threatening to attack the kingdom anytime”
“Kadziel, as my Chief of Staff, you are hereby commanded to make our forces strong and developed. Recruit some more and train them for any eventualities. You will secure the safety and protection of the entire kingdom”
“ Yes, your wish is my command, your majesty.”
Kadziel went back to France immediately to resume his duty and protect the throne from any possible power grabbers. Aspirants to the throne were conscious and aware that they could not attempt to take over since the force of the trusted servants were around. The king’s seat was preserved and had been closely watched.
As commanded by the king, Kadziel started to recruit and train more people under his command. He always had close communication with Jean-Pierre, the mayor of the palace about the affairs of the kingdom
“ The Vikings and Huns are threatening to attack in all sides to seize the kingdom” the mayor insinuated.
“I know and we had encountered ambuscades all the way here.” Kadziel said.
“ It was so fortunate that Moraiza went ahead with you”
“ She is wise. I believe she would love to stay in Rome?”
“ Yes. She told me she loved to stay there for the meantime”
“ We should prepare for the worst. The savage tribes are coming here anytime.” Kadziel sighed.
“ We have to. But do you think of soliciting reinforcement from the Carolingians?”
“ From the kingdom of Italy and Germany? No, at this point in time we can carry on war against these savage tribes” the king said with reluctance.
In France, the plague continued to ravage and had became much worst. Some staff in the palace were contacted including the mayor. The mayor was ill this time and dying. In spite of the calamity, Cardinal Bogart enforced immediately that the decree of the King must be obeyed in order for the people to embrace their traditional religion and be part again of the sovereign kingdom that Rome was pleased to be unified.
But it looked like that it was not heard because many people were not able to go out of their houses for fear of the contagious plague.
Soon after the military preparations and maneuver they fortified the surrounding premises of the kingdom to repel any surprise attacks by the enemies. After a couple of days, the surprise attacks ensued that befell heavy losses on the Vikings.
However, there were some losses and damages on the kingdom that prompted Kadziel to intensify his campaign against the savage tribe.
When the enemies learned that epidemics of plagues were everywhere they deferred their continued attacks for fear of being contacted, instead they sought different directions to avoid France. Somewhere in the border of Rome they tried to find settlement. Exhausted , ill, and starved in their journey the weakening forces of the Vikings were driven away by the army of Italy from the border and detoured to the border in Germany. Unfortunately, in Germany, they encountered the tribe of Attila, the Huns and consequently, all of the savage men perished.
Since France was in calamity people could not find time to attend to their religious activity. They would prefer to stay home and cure the infliction to avoid serious contact from affected ones. Medical aides and physicians were deployed to assist and cure the victims
The mayor had died leaving all the responsibilities to Kadziel. Cardinal Bogart, decided to leave the palace for fear of being contacted by the plague. There was no report where he headed.
Kadziel’s army were treated and healed of their diseases in the absence of any threat of enemy attack. This prompted them to find time to be at rest and got healed.
In the house of Pope , Bajal would also pray with them as they did . But to elders’s surprise, Bajal would faint and quivered in fright when the elders and brothers would mention in their prayers the word, “ Blood of Christ”. He would shun and dropped himself.
“ Brother Rudolf, what happened?” asked one elder.
“ Nothing, nothing I was not feeling good” he replied.
“ He’s just starved from fasting” said the other one.
“ Let him eat and take a rest” said the elder.
When alone Bajal would chant his own prayer to ask for guidance. The sign of horrific intervention of Satan would occur that would cause other clergymen to be bothered.
They would knock hard on the door to know what was happening.
“ Brother Rudolf ! Brother Rudolf! , what’s happening there?!” asked one clergy.
“ Open the door, Brother Rudolf !” asked the elder.
Bajal appeared to them as if nothing bizarre was happening.
“ What’s happening inside your room?” asked the elder
“ Happening? What’s happening? Nothing” he replied.
“ Yes, we heard noise and different sound I cannot describe”
“ No. nothing. Please come on in and see my room is well -arranged and silent”
“ Then, what was that sound?”
“ I don’t know? Perhaps, the sound came outside or a blow of a strong wind. It could be a strong blow of the wind through the window.”
“ That’s something mysterious” the clergy said.
“ Anyway, forget about it. Let’s go back to the prayer room” said the elder.
In his free time Bajal would confer with the Cardinal and bring out issues concerning the plans and roles of the papacy for the state and government.
“ Why have you so much concerns about the objectives of the Pope for the state?” asked Cardinal Roberts.
“ Because I have a great concern to serve the king and the people that’s why I want to learn something that may enlighten me about the present issues that we should undertake in the future” he replied.
“ You’re great Brother Rudolf. I’ve never talked to anyone with a very deep concern and ambition to serve the people and the king but you. However, you forgot to mention one great office?”
“ Ah, of course, the papacy “ he added.
As they proceeded in their grossed conversation they walked through the hallways to the office of the Cardinal. In the library, piles of books were presented.
“ You see there are plenty of books and codals here that may enrich your knowledge about the issues concerning the government, state and church.”
“ There are lots of things to know, but I may just take them one at a time. However, my great concern now is the draft about the Pope’s objectives for the church and nation .” he asked.
“ No. You will not see them because that’s highly confidential and only Cardinals are allowed to see and know them. It is kept in the office of the Pope and only him could only see and proclaim it during our session.”
“ I am sorry, no
t now. Wait for the time you become Bishop. There are much time for you to wait. However, I appreciate your great concerns.“ he added.
“ Yes. I understand. I will wait for that time” Bajal replied.
Bajal would frequent Moraiza and invited her to walk along the prairie.
“ My father is ill and France is in distress. I just don’t know what would happen next.” She confides.
“ I am so sorry hearing that. Plague would cause many people die in your kingdom” Bajal said.
“ It is worse to know that the palace has no king.” Moraiza added.
“ That sounds pathetic. It might trigger power grab.” Said Bajal.
“ How could the Pope help your father?” he asked.
“ I just don’t know about his plans and how he could help my father.”
“ It would be advisable that the kingdom must have someone to continue his works”
“ Perhaps, my uncle will do something about it.” She said.
“ I could be of help?” he asked.
“ I will ask my uncle about his plans”
They approached the Pope and talked about the plans of offering help to the king who was still ill at that time and physically weak.
“ What help can you offer me?” asked the king
“ I am a good negotiator . I can handle national affairs between conflicting nations.” Bajal said.
“ I can pacify agitators who want to overthrow your government and I can make peace with your enemy and stop them from attacking you.”
“ That would be fine but I have a good military strategist that can handle those kinds of matters you mentioned.” the king replied.
“ Who is he?”
“ Kadziel, my Chief of Staff who brought us here along the perils of the seas and the threats of enemies in the wilderness to the comfort of the house of
Pope in Rome.”
“ Anyway, I am always at your service your majesty whenever you want my services.”
“ I will call on you.” said the king.
After more than a year, Bajal’s aspiration of becoming a Bishop was fulfilled but beyond the knowledge of all in the house of the Pope he was continually conducting his ritualistic devil worship in his solitary confinement. King Louis was gradually recovering from illnesses with the help of Moraiza who was nursing him daily.
“ I am eager to be back to my kingdom to see what is going on there now.” the king said.
“ You need not think about going back there. You are not totally recovered yet. Don’t worry everything will be fine and well governed by Kadziel” Moraiza said.
“ It’s been a long time that I never heard any news of the situation there. I don’t receive any message from Kadziel nor from Jean-Pierre. I am not at peace until I have seen them”
“ If you wish your majesty, I will go to Paris to know what’s been going on there.” Bajal offered.
“ If you could manage to go but will you take the risk?”
“ Of course, your majesty. I will ask at least ten men escorts from the Italian army” he added.
The epidemic in France had subsided and this prompted Bajal with a ten-men-force proceeded to France. Meantime, Kadziel was struggling to preserve the throne of the king from traitors in the palace that put his life in danger. In many occasions, the vacant throne of the king was always the focal point for politicians and militarist in the palace that eventually forced him to declare his kingship and took the seat to deter further power struggle among power grabbers.
His title was now king Louis, the Defender. He was crowned and pronounced king in a regular inauguration by Cardinal Bogart, who returned from Germany when plague was at its height and it was witnessed by the town people who recognized his coronation. Enemy threats and attacks were minimized as the economy of the country was gradually improving and the people continued to its normal and productive life. The issue of religion ceased prior to the ordeal experienced in the plague.
Bajal and his men arrived as the protocol met them at the palace. His letter and credentials were handed to King Louis, the Defender.
“ Your majesty, King Louis ,the Defender erstwhile Cmdr. Kadziel, the Chief of Staff of King Louise I. I hereby, pay my respect with my men from Rome.” Bajal said.
“ You are Bishop Rudolf from the house of Pope. I have met you before, right?” Kadziel said.
“ Yes, your majesty when you were introduced to me by Pope Stephanus with Lady Moraiza.” Bajal explained.
“ Yes, I have recalled. It is unfortunate that I have not sent any message to the king because of the critical situation here that I could not attempt to leave. The seat of the king had always been the cause of coup d’etat in the kingdom as it had caused lives to preserve it for the king.” He explained.
“ I understand your majesty” Bajal said.
Kadziel continued. “ I opted to take over to stop loss of lives and to restore peace so that people will also be at peace and live a normal life. But I am ready to relieve my position when King Louise I returns.” He added.
“ How is the King and his daughter?” he asked.
“ The king is recovering but still weak. Lady Moraiza is fine and she is nursing her father.”
“ What have you in coming here?’ he asked .
“ I offered help to the king for the preservation of his throne and to know what is happening here.” Bajal explained.
“ You are a Bishop. What help can you offer me?”
“ I am a negotiator. I can meddle and settle disputes with enemies…” he enumerated.
“ I have Cardinal Bogart, as my spiritual and government affairs adviser. I have a protocol, personal and military assistants, too. I personally deal with enemies.”
“ My offer was approved by the king and I can be of help anyhow in dealing with other issues concerning foreign matters.” Bajal added.
“ The king’s approval is also my approval and I cannot spurn any order from the real possessor of my temporary title.” Kadziel explained.
“ Thank you, your majesty.”
Bajal was accommodated and stayed in the kingdom while he ordered his ten men to be back to Rome with transcript of the developments in the kingdom of France.
“ He has taken my throne. I hope he will make it good” king Louis sighed.
“ Do you trust Kadziel, father?” asked Moraiza.
“ Yes, he is a loyal servant. He took it because the situation demanded for it. It was not his intention to grab it nor has he any interest to be a king”
“ I trust him, too. He would never intend to take it for himself.” Moraiza said.
“ Anyway, the situation there is getting better we can get back home soon”
“ When you are already physically able” she added.
Bajal was given a sensitive job to do by Kadziel. He led a group of royal guards to check the border of France for any enemy intrusion.
Not too far from wilderness of the woods they spotted an alleged warriors encamping in the woods. Bajal got ten soldiers to sleuth on them.
“ They are another band of Viking tribe warriors.” He said.
He thought of approaching them with a hoisted white flag. Ogten, the Vikings chief sat with him leaving his men far among the trees from their camp.
Ogten opted of giving him a subtle talk . Secret dealings went on.
“ I would be happy to hear that fair deal” Ogten said.
“ That would be lasting governance while you and your tribe would own a portion of the eastern border of the kingdom and its resources.” Bajal promised.
“ But treachery will mean bloody death.” Ogten added.
After the talks, Ogten and his armed men surreptitiously went behind their camp and went opposite direction where Bajal and his troops would pass by. Bajal alerted himself of the ambuscade he orchestrated.
His men perished and he went back with two seriously wounded men he loaded at the back of their horses.
Not too far to the kingdom, he tapped the
back of the horses of the two wounded soldiers leading its path that would be visible by folks.
“ They were ambushed by the enemy along the way” the protocol exclaimed.
“ Where is Bajal?” asked Kadziel
“ Perhaps, he also perished with the rest of his men.”
“ No, we’re not sure. There could be treachery that happened.” He doubted.
“ We have to find out.”
Bajal went his way to Rome with Ogten. When they arrived in Rome they parted ways and Ogten went near the border to avoid encountering the Italian army established in the border.
Bajal proceeded to the house of the Pope and appeared to be survivor in the battle with Ogten.
“ It would be safer to stay here for the meantime to heal your wounds, Bishop” suggested the Protocol
“ I believe that would be better.” He replied.
“ How many of your men perished?” Lady Moraiza asked.
“ Eight perished and two wounded that returned to the palace.”
“ Why did you not asked for reinforcement from Kadziel” asked the ailing king.
“ It would be too late your majesty. Vikings never stay in one position. They always leave and settle in different places in the border.” He explained.
Bajal stayed in the house for comfort and healing. Pope Stephanus talked with the king of Italy to alert them from any possible attack of the Vikings in the border.
“ I cannot just trust Bishop Rudolf about his ambush by the Vikings. Why did he proceed to Rome instead of going back to France with his wounded men?” the Pope whispered to his brother.
“ There must be some reasons we could not verify at this time.” the king replied.
“ Let’s give him the benefit of the doubt for the meantime. We will know in due time.” He added.
Unknown to them was Bajal behind the door near them who was vigilant and astutely aware of the situation.