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War of the Holies Page 4
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Page 4
Bajal was quick in his decision and he could not do farther alibis that would put himself to the wall. Lady Moraiza was set to return to France to regain the throne from Kadziel.
“I can see that my father could no longer manage to go back to France. He’s weak and old. He ordered me to go back to take the throne from Kadziel to continue his reign in the kingdom.” she explained.
“ You must be careful along your way, Lady Moraiza.” Bajal said.
“ Uncle has called on the Italian king for military assistance to escort me. I know it will be safe and fine seeing France again.” She added.
“ So long Lady Moraiza and would be Queen of France.”
Her return was met with joy and celebration in the palace. Kadziel offered himself to become her Chief of Staff while Lady Moraiza was crowned by Cardinal Bogart as the queen of France. King Louis1 was confirmed to be disabled and could no longer reign the nation.
Eventually, the Queen’s closeness to Kadziel became meaningful and after a year the kingdom celebrated the newly-wed couple. The queen decided to bestow the throne to Kadziel, thus made him absolute King of France as King Louis, the Defender.
In one occasion, life continued in the house of papacy. Bajal in his meditation happened to focus his sight at the glass of water in his table. His thirst prompted him to take it and drank the crystal clear water.
His thirst was quenched and refreshed his mind with a new thought he found to be worthy of attaining his aspirations.
“ The conclave for the new Pope is fast approaching. It would be timely and practicable to do it.” He sighed.
He moved quickly and proceeded to the garden. He was like groping for a needle from the thick grasses and leafy vines of a variety of herbs.
When he got back he had with him some sort of a medicinal herb. He pulverized it and put it in a piece of dirty white cloth.
“ Too much of this would stop his blood flowing. He would not feel his body anymore until he succumbs.” He sighed.
His meditation was disrupted by a series of knockings at the door.
“ What about ?” he asked the elder.
“ The Pope is waiting for a luncheon meeting” said the elder.
“ I will be there in a minute. Go ahead.” He said.
He brought with him a sachet of pulverized herbs. The luncheon meeting was attended by several members of the conclave and personalities in a high echelon.
In the presidential table he sat beside the Pope who was in the front row in between two trusted ranking Archbishops.
They discussed about the forthcoming conclave in which a new pope would be selected.
“ Has the Pope got his ideal candidate?” Bajal whispered to the bishop beside him.
“ I believe his ideal candidate is his cousin, the one sitting beside him, Cardinal Leo.” the bishop replied.
Everyone seemed to be talking the same issue as they whispered with one another. Then, suddenly the Pope stood up.
“ Brothers, we are facing a new era of papacy in Rome. The power of Pope is most likely to be extended to the ends of the Italian sovereignty that includes the Italian armed forces because the Roman king has lost his credibility to govern the nation with loyalty, integrity and honesty.”
“ What has happened?” Bajal asked.
“ It is the people’s mandate that pressured the king to step down before he suffers the ordeal of exhaustive people’s trial. It might lead him to execution or imprisonment”
“ Why did they not opt a plebiscite?” Bajal asked.
“ The Senate unanimously voted that the governance be put in the hands of the Pope to guarantee a clean, credible and honest sovereignty over the nation. “
“ For how long it will be handled by the Pope” he asked.
“ After the war against the Vandals and Vikings is over. The nation will go to war so the government needs a caretaker that will oversee its equitable administration while the country is at war.”
The luncheon meeting was over but it turned out that guests wanted an extended merriment. It was past midnight when everybody broke their bash. Bajal took the opportunity when the Pope went into the room of his brother king to join him in his meal. While the Pope was away he saw the a glass of champagne that was served to him. He quickly sneaked into the room while the king was asleep.He poured a sachet of pulverized herb into the goblet.
“ Yes, just on time.” Bajal hissed.
And quickly as he could he went out on a tiptoe. A moment after he had sneaked away the Pope went back with what looked to be documents in his hand.
The King woke up and sat beside his bed. The Pope lighted on a chandelier and turned on the leaves of a hard bound manuscript as the king profoundly looked and listened..
“ This document is the Edict of King Louis I of France and Pope Stephanus that you and I will ratify for the people of France and Rome . It reads like this :
Peoples of Rome and France,
We have unanimously written and ratify this decree to carry on justice and equity among the inhabitants of France and Rome that are under the sovereign power of the Carolingian Patriarchs that:
1. The inhabitants shall enjoy freedom of expression without suppression nor prohibition without being reprimanded by the sovereign authority in order to provide them opportunity to express their ideas, valid reasoning, opposition to any malpractice and anomaly they find it necessary to be brought up to hall of justice in the tribunal for deliberation to prevent further abuses if any by the concerned authority;
2. The inhabitants shall enjoy freedom of religion in order to give them opportunity to worship their gods in any methods that they find them proper according to their law or doctrines or allow them believe in any kind of religions that they think is appropriate in their ideals and beliefs’
3. The inhabitants , may they be common people and people in a higher echelon in society shall be given a chance to be heard or due process of law ; and whenever they have been maltreated or unjustly treated by authorities who are in the position to employ unreasonable penalty and subsequently, settled in a private life shall be recalled to answer before the court of justice or tribunal to answer charges.
Should the emeritus officials have been found to have committed a crime in a motion for reconsideration in the ground that another evidence has been found that will validate the reopening of the case, the said emeritus official shall be recalled if already retired from service or if currently holding a position shall be recalled for a new trial giving the aggrieved party an opportunity to be heard.The above-mentioned decrees shall be strictly complied with and obeyed by the inhabitants and all the concerned authorities that are bestowed the responsibility of carrying out of justice for the nations.
This decree shall be retroactive in the event the tribunal, senate and other courts of law that observe due process fail to apply the said law.
This shall take effect immediately upon the concurrence through the seal of the rings of the Pope and King of France.”
Ratified/Attested this 22nd March 999 AD by King Louise of France and Pope Stephanus of Rome”
The Pope took the goblet with herb and poured a champagne. He gave it to the king and took another one for him.
“ Let us drink to this Edict we have ratified for France and Rome” said the Pope.
“ When are you going to send this to Moraiza?” the king asked.
Both took another round of champagne and later it looked like the king was sleepy. The Pope with him the ratified manuscript in his library to be reviewed by the Senate and the Conclave.
“ I will get back to you tomorrow I just feel dizzy” said the king.
“ You easily get drunk. Okay, I will see tomorrow. Have a pleasant sleep” said the Pope.
The following morning, a routine bed room check by the nurse aid and the protocol was hampered when they found the dead king. Everyone was shock and confused. A medical specialist and security force were called in to investigate th
e incident. After a careful diagnosis the report was submitted for deliberations. The conclave and the Imperial government of Rome unanimously conceived a panel to investigate the complicated issue of the king’s death.
“ It appeared that Pope Stephanus, his brother was the last person whom he talked with in his room. In fact, the two goblets that were found were used in their bonding, one was used by the king which allegedly contained substance of herb that was overtly poured into the goblet of wine that he drank that poisoned his body and succumbed to death while sleeping.” the panelist attested.
“ That was impossible!” exclaimed the Pope
“ No doubt but it is very clear that the purpose of drinking with the king was to poison him and this is found to be intentional based on the evidence found. And that the only person who could have done this was Pope Stephanus.”
“ And the punishment for this crime is hanging ”
“ No, this is fallacious, I am a victim of frame up. You cannot do this to me! “
After the trial Pope Stephanus faced the execution and died. His body was buried in the citizen’s cemetery but not in the tomb for Popes. The report came to the knowledge of France.
Kadziel and Moraiza who deeply mourned the death of their father ordered their emissary to bring back the cadaver to Paris, France.
The king’s body was given a pompous burial that the entire nation mourned his demise. He was laid to rest in the kings’ burial mount in Southern Paris near the palace. After an investigation on the case of ambush by the Vikings in what is known as “Traitor Road” it was found that the Vikings and Bajal connived with them and had been part of their band. Immediately, after the death of Pope Stephanus a conclave conducted the selection of a new Pope. Bajal made some trickery activity to take the position.
He gathered his colleagues in a banquet and convinced them to support him. He even bribed those who could hardly be urged to be part of his campaign.
“ If ever I would be Pope I would inherit the sovereign power as King of Italy, too and that will mean absolute power and control over the military and the entire Senate. I could give high positions that could mean everything to you my friends” Bajal whispered.
And as he had promised the votes of his colleagues multiplied and his popularity among them spread to the conclave. Hence, he won their favor and became the next Pope.
As announced to the nation, “ Habemus Papam!” he became to be known as Pope Urbanus, the Conqueror.
Being a Pope he likewise inherited the Italian kingship that carried on its duties for the nation to command its armed forces during national emergency. Beyond the knowledge of France, Kadziel sent an emissary to the Papacy to inform them of the treachery of Bajal and the murder conspired by him with Ogten.
Bajal made sure that no emissary would step into the territory of Rome without passing through the check point that would relay the message to the office of the Papacy. “No, this is absurd and a blatant lie. I cannot accept this message. Tell the king that this accusation is false and baseless. I did my part in the negotiation but was cheated. I was not part of the pre-meditated crime. I was betrayed by Ogten and abused my confidence. “Bajal claimed.
“ Yes, your holiness. I will do that.” the emissary said.
The emissary went back to the kingdom with a message. Kadziel and Moraiza were enraged with Bajal’s denial and thought that he had something to do with the murder of the king that framed King Stephanus. He conferred with Cardinal Bogart about the issue and thought of sending a new letter to the head of the conclave.
“ This could be malicious accusation against the Pope as the result of the investigation proves that the late Pope Stephanus was the culprit.
Likewise, the decision of the tribunal was final and executory. This would create a national issue that may affect the current situation of the country.” the conclave head declared.
“ Are there any decrees that had been ratified and issued by the previous kings that validate the reopening of the case upon motion of the injured party of a new evidence found? Would it be proper to re-open another case for investigation about this issue?” asked one member of the committee .
“ As far as ratified and issued decrees for that matter, there is no decree found and known yet.”
“ This is a serious issue of accusation by the king and queen of France since the victims were their kin. We cannot just ignore their appeal since they are our allies. Aside, this will affect the national interest and security.” He insinuated.
“ We will confer this issue with the Pope and King of Rome. He might be infuriated and startled by this emerging problem” said the conclave head.
The issue was extended to the office of Bajal who firmly denied and rejected the suggestion of re-opening of the case as requested by the king and queen of France. The case has been closed and why should you doubt the findings of the committee and my credibility. Don’t you know that you have become disrespectful and did not even think that my honor and integrity will be affected? How dare you?” Bajal exclaimed.
“ I am very sorry your holiness. It was only a request and suggestion by the committee” the conclave head said.
“ How should we say this to the King and Queen of France?” he added.
“ Tell them that the case is final and executory. No amount of request nor appeal would be entertained at all to re-open the issue. It will affect and tarnish the credibility and integrity of the investigation and the conclave. Likewise, it will greatly affect the nation as we are facing foreign relations crisis now.” He said.
“ I will tell them your holiness.”
To decline further appeal nor subsequent call for re-opening of the issue Bajal empowered his allies in the government and conclave by granting them favor and material offerings.
Kadziel and Moraiza were disappointed with the result of their appeal to the tribunal.
“ I firmly believed that Bajal had perpetrated the crime to be in a position.” He said.
“ What should we do since he had great influence over the government and papacy now?” asked Moraiza.
“Bajal has been insinuating war with us. He is a traitor and an enemy of the nation. We could not urge anybody in Rome to go against him now. His army will not lead him no retreat in case we wage war against him. Let’s find out what we can do next” he pronounced.
Bajal was now conceiving of cleaning his name in other kingdoms to avoid intrigues and doubts in his credibility by re-shuffling Bishops and Cardinal of their assignments. Cardinal Bogart, who was a close ally to Kadziel and Moraiza was recalled and relocated to other kingdoms.
“ I will not entertain any nor accept any spiritual emissary sent by Bajal.” said Kadziel.
“ But why?” asked Moraiza.
“ I don’t trust him. He might send a spy and not a spiritual emissary”
“ It will imply severance of alliance from the Papacy” added Moraiza.
“ This is an exception since we are not an ally of the Pope. He might do something stupid in the same way he murdered your father. He must be dethroned as well from the Italian kingship”
“ He is in control of Rome’s army and he could wage war against us, too if he wishes.” Moraiza feared.
“ I am ready. I believe he would not attack us at this time. He would drive the Vikings first to attack and overthrow us from the kingdom. ”
Bajal surreptitiously supported the Vikings which settled beyond the Italian territory. When Ogten was fully armed he marched towards the French border to stage an attack on Kadziel.
They did not know that Kadziel had cordoned the passage towards France. And soon after entering the cordoned area of the wilderness, they attacked Ogten and his men. A bloody battle took place. Shiny swords were stained with blood as bows flew in the skies and would desultorily hit any flesh.
Ogten was killed by one of Kadziel’s men and some of his wounded men were dispersed and retreated in different directions. Kadziel’s warrior triumphantly returned
to the kingdom with some wounded and bringing with them their dead ones.
“ They would not return anymore.” Kadziel sighed.
“ It’s Bajal’s turn to sow his terror.” Moraiza said.
“ There’s no reason why he should declare war against France. It would raise him great opposition from the people and the Senate as it would trigger destruction of kinship of the Carolingian Patriarchs from other neighboring kingdoms.” He added.
“ His only recourse is to fabricate reason that will justify him to force us to be overthrown from the kingdom with the consensus of other Carolingian kingdoms.” Moraiza insinuated.
“ That is possible. We have to think of ways to repel his evil plans.”
Bajal believing that Kadziel and Moraiza would not stop until he got their justice thought of assassinating them by sending spies in France.
He sent Siegfried, a close friend and commander in the armed forces with four other mercenaries that were skillfully trained in warfare and espionage. In once occasion, Kadziel and his entourage went out to visit the Agora complex being established in the town.
Siegfried scattered and position his men at designated routes where Kadziel would pass by. In a higher location where one of Siegfied’s men was positioned and aimed his bow and arrow at Kadziel. Exactly when Kadziel was at the point in a slow pace the bow was stretched and the poisoned arrow was speedily released but as swiftly its velocity was the speedier the horse stoop down when its right foot slipped into the open canal that made him stoop down, too.
The arrow hit and dangled in his cloak and missed his body. One of his security aid spotted him and released his arrow at the sniper and plunged to death.